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4 search result(s)

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Ross B
Ross B
Full Stack Developer: PHP, Magento, WordPress, AngularJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, Shopify, Laravel..
  • 5.0 ( 1 review )
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Starting from $32.00 /hr View profile

We house a team of heavily experienced professionals to exceed your requirements and expectations. The list of achievements: Our list of achievements mentioned below speaks volumes about the quality of our teams’ technical knowledge, skillset, and quality of work done for global clients: 1) Recognition from Clutch as one of the…

Morgane S
Morgane S
Chef de projet Communication
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Starting from $40.00 /hr View profile

Prêt à activer votre pouvoir de visibilité ? ✨➡️Augmenter sa visibilité et sa notoriété sur le web est aujourd’hui indispensable pour une entreprise souhaitant se développer. 🚀➡️Si être présent sur internet est un premier pas, il s’agira ensuite de devenir visible de façon pertinente. 🌟Et pour cela, je peux vous aider…

Bilal S
Bilal S
Logo Design | Web Design | WordPress | Ecommerce | Mobile Apps | SEO | SMM
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Starting from $44.00 /hr View profile

We are a team of professionals specialized in services, such as branding, web design, web development, mobile application development, video animation & digital marketing providing solution to varied industries across the globe. We pride ourselves in great work ethic, integrity, and end-results. Throughout the years Optimizary has been able to create…

Stephanie B
Stephanie B
Writer and Researcher - Articles, Blogs and Web Content
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Starting from $50.00 /hr View profile

Hi, I’m Stephanie. I am an experienced and (I like to think) articulate writer. My love of words started with lyrics, Nick Cave mainly, and then went quickly onto books. My Kindle is full, I spend far too much money on Audible, and I must be keeping Paperchase in business with…