Write unique SEO blog posts and articles
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User reviewI've been doing this kind of writing for a while and am in need of an ongoing project. I have worked with one SEO ranking company who specialise on the online gambling industry, another for smartwatches. I have written hundreds of articles. They range from short 500 word pieces to longer, 5,000 word articles. By day I am a marketing manager for a web agency so I will fully understand your requirements.
I have Grammarly and Hemmingway and use plagiarism checker CopyScape premium, so my work is 100% unique.
I also use Surfer SEO to ensure the right keywords are being used the right number of times, as well as making sure search engines agree the content is right.
I am an expert in writing SEO articles, blogs, and reviews related to:
✅Tech (AI, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, etc.)
✅YouTube Scripts
✅Real Estate
✅Fashion & Lifestyle
... and more. Hit me up, and I will provide you with a relevant sample in a few minutes!
I am very fast. As an idea, I can turnaround a 5,000 word article within 1-5 hours, depending on research.
I can go on and on about my expertise, but you will only believe it when I show you the practical work. So, let's connect and get to know each other better!