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Design Professional UI / GUI / UX For Android / iOS App

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I can design unique, professional & intuitive UI / UX Designs for your mobile applications by latest design tools & techniques.

This Service includes:

✔ One Screen Design (Android OR iOS)
✔ UNLIMITED revisions
✔ PNG + JPG of each screen
✔ All sliced assets you need at the time of development (It saves developer’s time to slice and exporting images)
✔ Layered Source files in Sketch 3 of design so you can have changes in the same UI later on too (I am not using Photoshop anymore as Sketch 3 is far better and advanced for UI Designing and it helps developers as well.).
✔ Fonts used in the app
✔ Detailed Font guide which can help your developer to understand better to develop a pixel-perfect application. (Includes Colour codes, Fonts and their sizes, Interface Specifications, etc.)
✔ Great value for your money

Message me to discuss your Mobile App Design requirement and to help with purchase this Service. And you can also check my other services for your Specific Requirement.

NOTE: Please ask for availability before purchasing this hourly to avoid delays as I prefer not to work on too many projects at a time which affects the quality of deliverables.

Thank you.