Design a header/banner/advert
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User reviewI would like to offer my services to you for banner/web header/advert/sign design job.
To get started send me a message with your requirements.
If you order my service I will transform your thinking into design. I will show you the initial good looking banner/advert/web header/sign with in next 24 hours. Then I will provide necessary revision as per your comments.
My service included with:
1) UNLIMITED Number of Revisions
2) File Formats/Final Deliverables: .AI, .EPS, .PDF, .PNG, .TIFF, .PSD & .JPG.
3) Artwork: 100% original concepts created to suit your needs.
4) Ownership: You will own 100% rights to any and all artwork produced by us for your project.
5) Turnaround: Initial concepts within 24 hours, with further revisions within 12-24 hours.
6) Payment Terms: No advance payment to our account needed, only Escrow funding.
7) Satisfaction Guaranteed.
If you have any further query fell free to ask me that.
I need the following information to create your design
✔ The size or dimensions that you want the design to be.
✔ The style of advertisement you want (modern, playful, etc.).
✔ Any logos or images that you want in the advertisement.
✔ The text, details and information you want in the design.
✔ The color scheme that you want use.
If you're not sure about any of the above then we can discuss.