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Remove Malware from WordPress and Fix Hacked Site

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It is vital to keep your website virus free, secure and working at its best at all times!

What happens if my website is hacked?

1. Your website could be taken offline completely or defaced.
2. Customer data could be stolen and often shared or sold.
3. Even credit card details on your computer could be stolen.
4. Google can blacklist your website and show a large red warning sign to visitors damaging your reputation and stopping visitors continuing through your website.
5. Your emails can be hijacked and spam can be sent out via your domain
6. Your email services can then be blacklisted
7. Your web host can suspend your account to protect their server from further harm.

How do we help?

1. We take a full back up of your website files and database
2. We cleanse this locally, removing all viruses that are detected
3. We add our latest secure version of WordPress
(This comes packed with security benefits and our security monitoring plugin)
4. Other files are manually checked before then uploading to our testing server
5. Once on our testing server an in-depth virus/exploit scan is done
6. Any remaining viruses are removed
7. Passwords and WordPress salts are changed for improved security
8. The cleaned version is re-uploaded to your server

Why choose us? 

1. We have over 15 years experience in web development with over 5 years specifically in WordPress security and optimisation
2. We have fixed hundreds of websites and help secure a great deal of those too.
3. We provide after service support and advice to help stop any problems ever coming back!
4. We hold top feedback from all our satisfied customers

I am not sure whether I have actually been hacked?

Not a problem... Just get in touch and we can run a quick test for you at no cost.